
Ashtabula County Choral Music Society (ACCMS) is pleased to announce a Fall fund raiser at the Ashtabula Applebee’s location on Thursday, October 10th from 11 am to 8 pm. Applebee’s will donate 15% of each diner’s check to ACCMS if they present the flyer (print or digital) at time of order. Online orders through Applebees.com require the code DOINGOOD at checkout. ACCMS will also have a bake sale and raffle baskets on site. Flyers are available on the ACCMS Facebook page and at ashcochoralmusicsociety.org.

The ACCMS mission is to present quality performances of significant choral works for Northeastern Ohio audiences while providing local singers with artistic, educational musical experience. On September 22nd the ACCMS board and Artistic Director met to discuss strategic goals and events for the 24-25 Season, including the Fall Fundraising Applebee’s event, the initial concert on November 24th featuring “Frostiana”, a choral work composed by Randall Thompson that incorporates poetry by Robert Frost, and plans for the Hall of Fame in May 2025. ACCMS is looking forward to continuing to grow, expand and perform exquisite choral repertoire.

