ACCMS Spring Fundraisers: Applebee’s Dine to Donate 2/22/24 and Art Auction at Conneaut Arts Center 3/9/24

Ashtabula County Choral Music Society (ACCMS) invites restaurant customers/ACCMS supporters to dine at Applebee’s in Ashtabula on Thursday, February 22nd and help to raise funds for the ACCMS trip to Carnegie Hall in NYC to perform in the “Gjeilo: Twilight Mass” concert on April 22nd. Applebee’s will donate a portion of sales, 15% to ACCMS.  Diners wishing to support ACCMS are asked to present the event flyer. For takeout, enter the code DOINGOOD which can be done in person or online. Visit the ACCMS Facebook for the flyer, which will also be available at the ACCMS Bake Sale table. There will also be a Gift Basket Raffle. Applebee’s is located at 3241 N. Ridge Rd., Ashtabula; the event runs from 11 am to closing on February 22nd.

On Saturday, March 9th from 6-8 pm at the Conneaut Arts Center ACCMS presents an Art Auction featuring original multi-media works by local Artists, Photographers, Sculptors and Fiber Artists, who donated their work to this Silent Auction. Artists include Chris Davis, Grant Gebhart, Rosemary Peck, Bob Lebzelter, Warren Dillaway and additional talented artists. Additional works available include pieces donated by ACCMS members and friends. The festive event includes appetizers, desserts and beverages catered by Guyreino’s Deli, and live music. Tickets are available through the Conneaut Arts Center website: Proceeds will help to defray costs for the NYC trip.

More information about ACCMS and donation information, including a GoFundMe account is on the ACCMS Facebook page, and website at The GoFundMe account is at 

People who wish to support ACCMS may make donations through PayPal at, through, or to “ACCMS” and mailed to Ashtabula County Choral Music Society; P.O. Box 472, North Kingsville, OH 44068. 

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